Saturday, June 7, 2008

Hey yo

So I've been meaning to do this for a long time, and finally just decided to take my own advice and quit putting off 'til tomorrow what I can do today.

I've been an amateur photographer for years now, but after our son Oliver entered our lives (a time when you'd think I'd be taking a million kajillion pictures) photography was put on the back burner, and raising him was my sole occupation. Believe me, it had to be that way.

He's now two, and while he still requires a large portion of my time, I have decided to carve out a little "me" time, to pursue my interests, hobbies, and talents outside of motherhood.

And decided to start a photography blog, to provide a little accountability, if you will, for actually taking pictures. Good ones. I hope. So bear with me as I try to get the creative juices to flow again. I'll start you off with one of my favorite sessions ever, Oliver's first.

1 comment:

MacroAndMicro said...

ok i guess i ll be the first to give a deep sense of accountability:the first comment comes from me.the penultimate ones are a bliss to watch .
A very milky and a classic air has been rendered..great